
args chromosome horizontal multipart parts positioning rectangle shapes split stalone style tikz tikzset ArtificialIntelligence


chromosome/.style 2 args={
       rectangle split ,
       rectangle split parts=2,
       rectangle split horizontal,
       rectangle split part fill={#1,#2},
       draw=black, very thick,
       minimum height=2.5em,
       text width=3.0cm,
       inner sep=2pt,
       text centered,

%% Rectangles
% Set of Parents
\node [chromosome={blue!15}{red!20}] (a) { \nodepart{two} } ;
\node [chromosome={yellow!30}{green!20}, right = of a] (b) { \nodepart{two} } ;
% Set of Children
\node [chromosome={blue!15}{yellow!30}, below = 2 cm of a] (c) { \nodepart{two} } ;
\node [chromosome={red!20}{green!20}, right = of c] (d) { \nodepart{two} } ;

% Labels
\node[right = of b] () {\textbf{Set of Parents}};

\node[right = of d] () {\textbf{Set of Children}};

% Paths
\path [->, very thick] ( south) edge[] node {}( north);
\path [->, very thick] (a.two south) edge[out=-90, in=90] node {}( north);

\path [->, very thick] ( south) edge[out=-90, in=90] node {}(c.two north);

\path [->, very thick] (b.two south) edge[] node {}(d.two north);

Created By David Li
Created using saber