
arrows begin blks block border calc centered dashed document  draw fill  fontawesome height minimum positioning rectangle stalone text thick tikz tikzstyle   white width 




\tikzstyle{block} = [rectangle, draw, fill=white,text width=16em,  text centered, minimum height=4em, thick]

\tikzstyle{blks} = [rectangle, draw, fill=white, text width=6em,  text centered, minimum height=4em, dashed]

\tikzstyle{big} = [rectangle, draw, inner sep=0.5cm]

\tikzstyle{line} = [draw, -latex',thick]

\node [block](exe) {\textbf{Git Commit}};
\node [block, below=of exe] (mgm) {\textbf{CI Pipeline}};
\node [blks, below=2cm of mgm] (fin) {Truffle Tests};
\node [blks, right=of fin] (prod) {Documentation};
\node [blks, left=of fin] (resch) {Test Coverage};

\node[above =0.2cm of  fin] (A) {\textbf{Jobs}};
\node [below = 0.3 of mgm, big,fit=(fin) (prod)(resch)(A), inner sep=0.5cm] (dept) {};

\node [blks, below=2.5cm of fin] (ropsten) {\faThumbsUp Ropsten};
\node [blks, right=of ropsten] (rinkeby) {\faThumbsUp Rinkeby};
\node [blks, left=of ropsten] (kovan) {Kovan};

\node[above =0.2cm of  ropsten] (B) {\textbf{Infura Deployment}};
\node [below = 0.3 of mgm, big,fit=(ropsten) (rinkeby)(kovan)(B), inner sep=0.5cm] (infura) {};

\path [line] (exe)--(mgm);
\path [line] (mgm) -- (dept);
\path [line] (resch)--(fin);
\path [line] (fin)--(prod);
\path [line] (dept) -- (infura); 

Created By David Li
Created using saber