
            better compat course  entries    latex locus Manually matlab much  pgfplots pgfplotsset pgfplotstableread   plot   roved root stalone tikz   using 


   % Manually removed entries to plot a "better" root locus in latex, of course using matlab 2 tikz is much better.
   	pr1 		 pi1 	  pr2 		pi2 		k
    1.0000         0    0.6065         0         0
    0.9272         0    0.6672         0    0.0121
    0.9109         0    0.6814         0    0.0142
    0.8887         0    0.7011         0    0.0166
    0.8541         0    0.7329         0    0.0195
    0.7987         0    0.7863         0    0.0215
    0.7925   -0.0000    0.7925    0.0000    0.0215
    0.7925   -0.0062    0.7925    0.0062    0.0216
    0.7918   -0.0482    0.7918    0.0482    0.0228
    0.7899   -0.0967    0.7899    0.0967    0.0268
    0.7876   -0.1326    0.7876    0.1326    0.0313
    0.7849   -0.1649    0.7849    0.1649    0.0367
    0.7817   -0.1961    0.7817    0.1961    0.0430
    0.7780   -0.2272    0.7780    0.2272    0.0504
    0.7737   -0.2588    0.7737    0.2588    0.0591
    0.7686   -0.2915    0.7686    0.2915    0.0693
    0.7627   -0.3255    0.7627    0.3255    0.0812
    0.7557   -0.3613    0.7557    0.3613    0.0951
    0.7475   -0.3989    0.7475    0.3989    0.1114
    0.7380   -0.4387    0.7380    0.4387    0.1306
    0.7267   -0.4810    0.7267    0.4810    0.1530
    0.7136   -0.5259    0.7136    0.5259    0.1793
    0.6982   -0.5737    0.6982    0.5737    0.2101
    0.6802   -0.6245    0.6802    0.6245    0.2462
    0.6590   -0.6787    0.6590    0.6787    0.2885
    0.6342   -0.7364    0.6342    0.7364    0.3380
    0.6052   -0.7977    0.6052    0.7977    0.3961
    0.5712   -0.8628    0.5712    0.8628    0.4641
    0.5313   -0.9317    0.5313    0.9317    0.5439
    0.4846   -1.0045    0.4846    1.0045    0.6373
    0.4299   -1.0810    0.4299    1.0810    0.7468
    0.3657   -1.1610    0.3657    1.1610    0.8751
    0.2906   -1.2440    0.2906    1.2440    1.0254
    0.2025   -1.3293    0.2025    1.3293    1.2015
    0.0993   -1.4158    0.0993    1.4158    1.4079
    -0.0217   -1.5019   -0.0217    1.5019    1.6498
    -0.1634   -1.5853   -0.1634    1.5853    1.9332
    -0.3294   -1.6623   -0.3294    1.6623    2.2653
    -0.5240   -1.7281   -0.5240    1.7281    2.6545
    -0.7520   -1.7752   -0.7520    1.7752    3.1105
    -1.0192   -1.7924   -1.0192    1.7924    3.6449
    -1.3323   -1.7614   -1.3323    1.7614    4.2710
    -1.5157   -1.7167   -1.5157    1.7167    4.6379
    -1.6991   -1.6505   -1.6991    1.6505    5.0047
    -1.9140   -1.5419   -1.9140    1.5419    5.4346
    -2.1290   -1.3923   -2.1290    1.3923    5.8645
    -2.3809   -1.1429   -2.3809    1.1429    6.3682
    -2.5068   -0.9709   -2.5068    0.9709    6.6201
    -2.6327   -0.7398   -2.6327    0.7398    6.8719
    -2.7108   -0.5349   -2.7108    0.5349    7.0281
    -2.7498   -0.3886   -2.7498    0.3886    7.1062
    -2.7889   -0.1135   -2.7889    0.1135    7.1843
    -2.7925   -0.0000   -2.7925    0.0000    7.1915
    -2.6825         0   -2.9097         0    7.1987
    -1.9082         0   -4.5377         0    8.0524


%This is to provide the start  point cross marker 
start marker/.pic={\draw (-#1,-#1) -- (#1,#1) (#1,-#1)--(-#1,#1);}
\begin{axis}[no marks,xmax=2,grid=both]% Don't put any markers, limit the visible area from one side ,draw grid
\foreach\x in{1,...,2}{% Iterate over the columns of the table
	\addplot+[] table[x=pr\x,y=pi\x] {\mytable} % Draw the curves
	node[draw,circle,inner sep=2pt] at (current plot end) {}%Put the ending marker with size adjusted to 2pt
	pic at (current plot begin) {start marker=2pt};%Put the starting marker
Created By David Li
Created using saber