
begin document figure fullpage snakes stalone tikz EngineeringSoftwareDesign



%\caption{Time Line}
%\resizebox{\linewidth}{!}{% Resize table to fit within

%draw horizontal line
\draw (0,0) -- (41/1.7,0);
%draw vertical lines
\foreach \x in {0, 8, 15, 22, 29, 36, 41}{
   \draw (\x/1.7,3pt) -- (\x/1.7,-3pt);
%draw nodes
\draw (0,0) node[text width = 85pt,align=center,below=3pt] {\textbf{Submit Project Proposal}} node[above=3pt] {Nov 17 2017};
\draw (8/1.7,0) node[below=3pt] {Find Game Engine} node[above=3pt] {Nov 20 2017};
\draw (15/1.7,0) node[text width = 100pt,align=center,below=3pt] {Create Server-Client Architecture} node[above=3pt] {Nov 25 2017};
\draw (22/1.7,0) node[text width = 100pt,align=center,below=3pt] {Implement Game Logic} node[above=3pt] {Nov 29 2017};
\draw (29/1.7,0) node[text width = 100pt,align=center,below=3pt] {Add Music and Effects} node[above=3pt] {Dec 1 2017};
\draw (36/1.7,0) node[text width = 100pt,align=center,below=3pt] {\textbf{In Class Demo}} node[above=3pt] {Dec 2 2017};
\draw (41/1.7,0) node[below=3pt] {\textbf{Finish Report}} node[above=3pt] {Dec 12 2017};
Created By David Li
Created using saber