
     align anchor begin Body calc center circle corners document  draw east   geometric inner input label lower Network Neural neuron node nodepart north   Output parbox part positioning right rotate rotatebox rounded selectfont  shadows shapes snakes south split stalone symbols tikz tikzpicture    yshift 


\usetikzlibrary{calc, shapes.geometric,shapes.symbols,fit,positioning,shadows}
\node [circle split,draw,rotate=90, align=center,label={[anchor=north, inner sep=0pt, yshift=1.2em] east:{\selectfont Neural Body}}] (part){\rotatebox{-90}{ \parbox{1.5cm}{Network input to neuron z} } \nodepart{lower} \rotatebox{-90}{\parbox{1.5cm}{Neuron Output o}} };
\draw[->,rounded corners=5pt] (part.south) -- ($(part.south)+(1.5,0)$);
\node[right = 3 em of part.south, label=Neuron Output] () {};

\node[above left = 0em and 10em of part.east] (t1) {$I_1-$Input 1};
\node[left = 4em of part.north] (t2) {$I_2-$Input 2};
\node[below left = 4em and 4em of part.north] (t3) {$I_3-$Input 3};

\draw[->] (t1) -- (part) node[midway,sloped,above] {$W_1$};
\draw[->] (t2) -- (part) node[midway,sloped,above] {$W_2$};
\draw[->] (t3) -- (part) node[midway,sloped,above] {$W_3$};
Created By David Li
Created using saber