\usetikzlibrary{arrows, arrows.meta, backgrounds, calc, shapes.misc, positioning}
purpleBox/.style n args={3}{
text centered, fill=purpleVue, minimum width = #1, minimum height= #2, text=white,
text width = #3,
rounded corners
redBox/.style n args={3}{
text centered, fill=redVue, minimum width = #1, minimum height= #2, text=white,
text width = #3,
rounded corners
orangeBox/.style n args={3}{
fill=orangeVue, minimum width = #1, minimum height= #2, text=white,
text centered,
rounded corners
greenCircle/.style n args={3}{
fill=greenVue, minimum width = #1, minimum height= #2, text=white,
text centered,
very thick,
shorten <=2pt,
shorten >=2pt
>=triangle 60,
very thick,
cylinder uses custom fill,
cylinder body fill=greenVue,
cylinder end fill=greenVue,
shape border rotate=90,
\node[rectangle, draw, minimum width= 10cm, minimum height=10cm, label={[anchor=north, inner sep=0pt, yshift=-0.6em, text=black]north:Online banking software}]
(online) {};
\node[right= 2cm of online, draw, rectangle, minimum width= 10cm, minimum height=10cm,label={[anchor=north, inner sep=0pt, yshift=-0.6em, text=black]north:Bank teller software}]
(soft) {};
\node[rectangle, draw,thin, fill=blueBox, text width=2cm, align=center,
text=white,minimum width=2.2cm,copy shadow={shadow xshift=1ex, shadow yshift=-1.5ex},minimum height=1.5cm]
at ([xshift=0em, yshift=-4em] online.north) (upa){User Profile App};
\node[draw, left=5cm of upa]
(label) {Customer};
\node[rectangle, draw,thin, fill=blueBox, text width=2cm, align=center,
text=white,minimum width=2.2cm,copy shadow={shadow xshift=1ex, shadow yshift=-1.5ex},minimum height=1.5cm]
at ([xshift=5em, yshift=-7.5em] upa.center) (us){User Surface};
\node[database, draw,thin, text width=2cm, align=center,
text=white,minimum width=2.2cm,minimum height=1.5cm]
at ([yshift=-7.5em] us.center) (db){Database};
\node[rounded corners, draw, fill=blueBox,
minimum width=2.2cm,minimum height=5cm, text width=2cm, align=center,
double distance =1pt, dashed, below left = -4em and 5 em of us] (as){Auth subsystem};
\node[database, draw,thin, text width=2cm, align=center,
text=white,minimum width=2.2cm,minimum height=1.5cm]
at ([yshift=-7.5em] us.center) (db){Database};
\node[rectangle, draw,thin, fill=blueBox, text width=2cm, align=center,
text=white,minimum width=2.2cm,copy shadow={shadow xshift=1ex, shadow yshift=-1.5ex},minimum height=1.5cm]
at ([xshift=-3em, yshift=-4em] soft.north) (a1){App};
\node[rectangle, draw,thin, fill=blueBox, text width=2cm, align=center,
text=white,minimum width=2.2cm,copy shadow={shadow xshift=1ex, shadow yshift=-1.5ex},minimum height=1.5cm]
at ([xshift=10em] a1.center) (a2){App};
\node[rectangle, draw,thin, fill=blueBox, text width=2cm, align=center,
text=white,minimum width=2.2cm,copy shadow={shadow xshift=1ex, shadow yshift=-1.5ex},minimum height=1.5cm]
at ([yshift=-8em] a1.center) (ps1){Promotion Service};
\node[rectangle, draw,thin, fill=blueBox, text width=2cm, align=center,
text=white,minimum width=2.2cm,copy shadow={shadow xshift=1ex, shadow yshift=-1.5ex},minimum height=1.5cm]
at ([yshift=-8em] a2.center) (ps2){Promotion Service};
\node[database, draw,thin, text width=2cm, align=center,
text=white,minimum width=2.2cm,minimum height=1.5cm]
at ([yshift=-7.5em] ps2.center) (bp){Branch Promotions};
\node[database, draw,thin, text width=2cm, align=center,
text=white,minimum width=2.2cm,minimum height=1.5cm]
at ([yshift=-7.5em] ps1.center) (cust){Customers};
\node[draw, above=1cm of soft]
(bt) {Bank Teller};
\draw [->] (upa) edge (us) (upa) edge (as) (us) edge (db);
\draw [->] (a1) edge (a2) (ps1) edge (cust) (a1) edge (ps1) (a2) edge (ps2) (ps2) edge (bp);