
Action arrows begin blue bluenode document draw Eric fill first Flutter gray graynode line Litereally meta page positioning rectangle shape shapes stalone style tikz tikzset width Windmill software

% Flutter in Action Eric Windmill
% Litereally the first page
    graynode/.style={shape=rectangle, fill=gray!25},
    bluenode/.style={shape=rectangle, draw=blue, line width=2},
    greennode/.style={shape=rectangle, draw=green, line width=2},
    rednode/.style={shape=rectangle, draw=red, line width=2},
% Widget Content Bar
\node[rectangle,draw,minimum width=5in, minimum height=5.5in, fill=none] (content) {};
% Header bar
\node[graynode,draw, minimum width=5in, anchor=east] (header) at (content.north east) {\small{ \textbf{Widget Lifecycles}}};

% Stateless widgets
\node[rectangle, fill=gray!25, draw, text=black, text centered, below right = 3em and 0.75em of content.north west] (stateless) {\textbf{Stateless widget}};
\node[rectangle, fill=gray!15, draw, text=black, text centered, below = 2em of stateless.south] (statelessCon) {Constructor};
\node[rectangle, fill=gray!50, draw, text=black, text centered, below = 2em of statelessCon.south] (statelessBuild) { build() };
\node[draw=none, fill=none, below left = 1em and 2em of statelessBuild] (buildLoop) {};
\node[below right=-1.5em and 4em of buildLoop, text width=8em] {Rebuilds when configuration changes};
% Stateless arrows
\draw[lineCustom] (stateless.south) -- (statelessCon);
\draw[lineCustom] (statelessCon) -- (statelessBuild);
\draw[lineCustom, -] (statelessBuild.south) |- (buildLoop.west);
\draw[lineCustom] (buildLoop.west) |- (statelessBuild.west);

% Stateful widgets before state
\node[rectangle, fill=gray!25, draw, text=black, text centered, below left = 3em and 8em of content.north east] (stateful) {\textbf{Stateful widget}};
\node[rectangle, fill=gray!15, draw, text=black, text centered, below = 2em of stateful.south] (statefulCon) {Constructor};
\node[rectangle, fill=gray!50, draw, text=black, text centered, below = 2em of statefulCon.south] (createState) { createState() };
\node[draw=none, fill=none, below left = 1em and 2em of createState] (createStateLoop) {};
% Stateless arrows
\draw[lineCustom] (stateful.south) -- (statefulCon);
\draw[lineCustom] (statefulCon) -- (createState);
\draw[lineCustom, -] (createState.south) |- (createStateLoop.west);
\draw[lineCustom] (createStateLoop.west) |- (createState.west);

% Stateful widgets after states
\node[above right=-0.75em and 5.25em of createStateLoop, text width=12em] (stateObjText){Produces a State Object};

% Arrow
\draw[lineCustom] (createState.east) to [bend left] (stateObjText);

% State Object
\node[draw, rectangle, below = 5em of createState, fill=gray!20] (stateObj){\textbf{State object}};

\draw[lineCustom] (stateObjText.south) to [bend right] (stateObj);

% Mounted 
\node[draw=gray, rectangle, below = 1em of stateObj, fill=gray!20] (mounted){(Mounted)};

% initState()
\node[draw=gray, rectangle, below = 1.75em of mounted, fill=gray!50] (initState){initState()};

% mounted -> initState()
\draw[lineCustom] (mounted.south) to  (initState);

% Dirty State
\node[draw=gray, rectangle, below = 1.75em of initState, fill=gray!20] (dirtyState){(Dirty State)};

\draw[lineCustom] (initState.south) to  (dirtyState);

\node[draw=gray, rectangle, below = 2em of dirtyState, fill=gray!50] (statefulBuild){build()};
\node[draw=gray, rectangle, left = 2em of statefulBuild, fill=gray!50] (widgetDidUpdate){widgetDidUpdate()};
\node[draw=gray, rectangle, right = 2em of statefulBuild, fill=gray!50] (setState){setState()};

\node[below=4em of widgetDidUpdate, text width=9em, align=center] (configuration){When it recieves new configuration};

% CleanState
\node[draw=gray, rectangle, below = 2em of statefulBuild, fill=gray!20] (cleanState){(Clean State)};

\node[below=4em of setState, text width=6em, align=center] (internalState){When internal State Changes};

% dispose
\node[draw=gray, rectangle, below = 2em of cleanState, fill=gray!50] (dispose){dispose()};

% Down Arrows
\draw[lineCustom] (dirtyState.south) to (statefulBuild);
\draw[lineCustom] (statefulBuild.south) to (cleanState);
\draw[lineCustom] (cleanState.south) to  (dispose);

% Right Angle Arrows
\draw[lineCustom] (cleanState.west) -| (widgetDidUpdate);
\draw[lineCustom] (widgetDidUpdate.north) |- (dirtyState.west);

\draw[lineCustom] (dirtyState.east) -| (setState.north);
\draw[lineCustom] (setState.south) |- (cleanState.east);
Created By David Li
Created using saber