
default Diagram diagrams   encountered  fontenc illegal Inspired  lato License matrix multipart   original positioning probably shapes stalone  This tikz tikzset   want whatever work 


% This is an original Diagram
% License: CC0 or do whatever you want
% Inspired by diagrams encountered at work, probably not illegal
\usetikzlibrary{matrix, positioning, fit}
    moduleheader/.style args = {#1}{
       rectangle split, rectangle split horizontal, rectangle split parts=2,
       line width=2,
    rectangle split part fill={#1,white}% end of the append after command
    }% end of the box style definition
  mymodule/.style={matrix of nodes, nodes=typetag, row sep=5em, column sep=5em},
  mycontainer/.style={draw=gray, inner sep=1ex},
  typetag/.style={draw=gray, inner sep=1ex, anchor=west},
  title/.style={draw=none, color=gray, inner sep=0pt}
  \matrix[mymodule] (mx1) {
    \node [moduleheader=red!80] (d1)
       { \nodepart[color=white]{one} {\Huge Data}\nodepart{two} {\Huge Apis}}; &  \\
    \node[draw, text width=3.5cm] (gcp) {
       \textbf{\small \textcolor{blue}{GCP}|Bucket} \newline
       Report Upload
    }; &
    \node[draw, text width=3.5cm] (newsapi) {
       \textbf{\small \textcolor{green}{NewsApi}|Python} \newline
       News from purchased stocks
    \node[draw, text width=3.5cm] (yahoo) {
       \textbf{\small \textcolor{purple}{Conversion}|USD $\leftrightarrow$ CAD} \newline
       Exchanges Rates API
    }; &
    \node[draw, text width=3.5cm] (test) {
       \textbf{\small \textcolor{red}{Stocks}|Yahoo Api} \newline
       Daily data
    }; \\
  \matrix[mymodule, right=of mx1.north east, matrix anchor=north west] (mx2) {
    \node [moduleheader=green!80] (d2)
       { \nodepart[color=white]{one} {\Huge Analysis}\nodepart{two} {}}; &  \\
    \node[draw, text width=3.5cm] (gcp) {
       \textbf{\small \textcolor{orange}{Stocker}|Charting} \newline
       Generate Stock Price Predictions
    }; &
    \node[draw, text width=3.5cm] (newsapi) {
       \textbf{\small \textcolor{green}{TextBlob}|Python} \newline
       Sentiment Analysis
    \node[draw, text width=3.5cm] (yahoo) {
       \textbf{\small \textcolor{purple}{AlphaVantgage}} \newline
       Technical metrics (consider streamlit analysis)
    }; &
  \node[mycontainer, fit=(mx1)] {};
  \node[mycontainer, fit=(mx2)] {};

Created By David Li
Created using saber