David's Blog

Using Chalk for Colorful Terminal Output in Go (Golang)

By David Li on 2023-05-26T15:32:49.038Z

Using Chalk for Colorful Terminal Output in Go (Golang)

In this article, we will discuss the Chalk library and how to use it to create colorful terminal output in Go (Golang). Chalk is a popular library that provides an easy way to style console output using colors and formatting.

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction to Chalk
  2. Installation
  3. Basic Usage
  4. Applying Styles
  5. Creating Custom Styles
  6. Best Practices
  7. Conclusion

Introduction to Chalk

Chalk is a third-party package for Go that allows developers to easily style console output with colors and formatting. It supports ANSI escape codes, a standard for defining console text formatting, which means that Chalk enables compatibility across different terminal environments.

The main benefits of using Chalk are:

  • Simple API for styling console output
  • Supports 256 and TrueColor (16 million colors) output
  • Compatible with various terminal environments
  • Customizable styles


To get started with Chalk, you need to install it as a dependency in your Go project. Run the following command in your terminal:

go get -u github.com/ttacon/chalk

This will fetch the Chalk package and make it available for use in your project.

Basic Usage

To use Chalk in your Go code, you need to import the package first. Add the following import statement to your Go file:

import (

Now, you can start using Chalk to style your console output. For example, to print a green “Hello, World!” message, you can use the following code snippet:

func main() {
	green := chalk.Green.NewStyle().WithForeground(chalk.Green)
	fmt.Println(green.Style("Hello, World!"))

Running this code will produce the following output:

Hello, World!

The text will be displayed in green color.

Applying Styles

Chalk provides various built-in styles, including colors, backgrounds, and text formatting, such as bold, underline, and italic. To apply a style, you can chain methods on the chalk.Style type.

Here’s an example of applying multiple styles to a single piece of text:

func main() {
	styledText := chalk.Cyan.NewStyle().
		Style("Stylish Text Example")

This code will output the text “Stylish Text Example” in cyan color with a magenta background and bold formatting.

Creating Custom Styles

You can create custom styles by extending the built-in styles provided by Chalk. To do this, you can use the Extend() method. Here’s an example of creating a custom style:

func main() {
	customStyle := chalk.Magenta.NewStyle().
	fmt.Println(customStyle.Style("Custom Style Example"))

This code creates a custom style that combines magenta foreground, white background, underline, and bold formatting. The output text will display “Custom Style Example” with the defined custom style.

Best Practices

  • Use Chalk sparingly: While colorful terminal output can be helpful for drawing attention to important information, overusing colors and styles can make your console output harder to read. Use Chalk to highlight important messages, but avoid excessive styling.

  • Test your output on different terminal environments: Chalk aims to be compatible with various terminal environments, but it’s always a good idea to test your output on different systems to ensure it looks as intended.

  • Consider accessibility: Keep in mind that some users may have difficulty distinguishing certain colors or may be using a colorblind mode. Make sure your output is still readable and meaningful without relying solely on color.


In this article, we have discussed the use of the Chalk library in Go (Golang) for creating colorful terminal output. Chalk provides an easy-to-use API for styling console output with various colors, backgrounds, and text formatting options. By using Chalk to enhance your console output, you can create more visually appealing and informative command line interfaces for your Go applications.

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