TikZ is a powerful and flexible tool for creating high-quality diagrams in LaTeX documents. With TikZ, you can create a wide range of diagrams, including:
Overall, TikZ offers a wide range of possibilities for creating high-quality diagrams in LaTeX documents, making it an invaluable tool for technical writers and academics.
There are several packages and tools available for creating diagrams in LaTeX documents. Some of the most popular ones are:
Overall, there are many tools and packages available for creating diagrams in LaTeX documents, and choosing the right one depends on the specific needs of your project.
The Standalone package is a LaTeX package that allows you to create a separate document for each diagram you create, which can then be compiled into a standalone image file. This is useful when you want to include the diagram in a non-LaTeX document, such as a web page or a presentation.
To use the Standalone package, you simply include the \documentclass{standalone} command at the beginning of your diagram file. You can then add your TikZ or other diagram code as usual. When you compile the document, a standalone PDF file will be generated that contains only the diagram.
However, when you want to include the diagram in a document that does not support PDFs, you need to convert the PDF to a different image format, such as PNG. One way to do this is by using ImageMagick, a free and open-source software tool for manipulating images.
To convert a PDF to a PNG using ImageMagick, you can use the following command in the terminal:
convert -density 300 diagram.pdf -quality 90 diagram.png
This command converts the PDF file “diagram.pdf” to a PNG file “diagram.png” with a density of 300 DPI and a quality of 90%.
Overall, the Standalone package and ImageMagick are powerful tools that can help you create high-quality diagrams for use in a variety of different contexts. By using these tools, you can create diagrams that are both precise and visually appealing, and that can be easily incorporated into a wide range of documents and presentations.
TikZ is a powerful and flexible package for creating high-quality diagrams in LaTeX documents. It provides a wide range of tools for creating basic diagrams, such as lines, circles, rectangles, and polygons, as well as more complex shapes and structures, such as trees and graphs.
To use TikZ, you start by including the package in your LaTeX document with the command \usepackage{tikz}. You can then add your TikZ code within a tikzpicture environment, like this:
% TikZ code goes here
Within the tikzpicture environment, you can create a wide range of shapes and structures using TikZ commands. For example, to create a line, you can use the \draw command, like this:
s\draw (0,0) -- (2,2);
This creates a line that starts at the point (0,0) and ends at the point (2,2). You can customize the appearance of the line using various TikZ options, such as line width, color, and style.
Similarly, you can create other basic shapes using TikZ commands. For example, to create a circle, you can use the \draw command with the circle option, like this:
s\draw (1,1) circle [radius=1];
This creates a circle with a center at the point (1,1) and a radius of 1 unit.
Overall, TikZ is a powerful and flexible tool for creating basic diagrams in LaTeX documents. By using TikZ commands and options, you can create a wide range of shapes and structures that can be customized to meet your specific needs.
TikZ is a powerful and flexible package for creating high-quality diagrams in LaTeX documents. It provides a wide range of tools for creating shapes, lines, arrows, and other structures. In this post, we will introduce the TikZ syntax and commands for creating these elements.
To start using TikZ, you first need to include the package in your LaTeX document with the command \usepackage{tikz}. You can then add your TikZ code within a tikzpicture environment, like this:
% TikZ code goes here
Within the tikzpicture environment, you can create a wide range of shapes and structures using TikZ commands. Here are some of the most common ones:
s\draw (0,0) -- (2,2);
This creates a line that starts at the point (0,0) and ends at the point (2,2).
s\draw (1,1) circle [radius=1];
This creates a circle with a center at the point (1,1) and a radius of 1 unit. You can also create other shapes, such as rectangles and polygons, using various TikZ options.
s\draw [->] (0,0) -- (2,2);
This creates an arrow that starts at the point (0,0) and ends at the point (2,2). You can customize the appearance of the arrow using various TikZ options, such as arrow type and size.
Overall, TikZ is a powerful and flexible tool for creating shapes, lines, arrows, and other structures in LaTeX documents. By using TikZ commands and options, you can create a wide range of diagrams that can be customized to meet your specific needs.
TikZ is a powerful and flexible package for creating high-quality diagrams in LaTeX documents. It can be used to create a wide range of diagrams, including flowcharts, mindmaps, and other basic diagrams. In this post, we will provide an overview of how to use TikZ to create these types of diagrams.
\node[diamond, draw, aspect=2] (a) {Decision};
This creates a diamond shape with the label “Decision” inside it.
\begin{tikzpicture}[mindmap, grow cyclic, every node/.style=concept, concept color=blue!40, level 1/.append style={level distance=5cm, sibling angle=120}, level 2/.append style={level distance=3cm, sibling angle=45}, level 3/.append style={level distance=2cm, sibling angle=60}]
\node{Root Node}
child{node{Level 1 Node 1}
child{node{Level 2 Node 1}}
child{node{Level 2 Node 2}}
child{node{Level 1 Node 2}
child{node{Level 2 Node 3}}
child{node{Level 2 Node 4}}
child{node{Level 1 Node 3}
child{node{Level 2 Node 5}}
child{node{Level 2 Node 6}}
This creates a mindmap with a root node and three levels of child nodes.
\begin{axis}[ybar, symbolic x coords={A,B,C,D,E,F}, xtick=data]
\addplot coordinates {(A,3) (B,2) (C,1) (D,4) (E,5) (F,2)};
This creates a bar chart with six bars representing the values 3, 2, 1, 4, 5, and 2 for the categories A, B, C, D, E, and F, respectively.
Overall, TikZ is a powerful and flexible tool
Circuitikz is a TikZ-based package for creating circuit diagrams in LaTeX. It provides a comprehensive set of tools for creating electrical and electronic circuits, including resistors, capacitors, inductors, diodes, transistors, and many other components. In this post, we will provide an overview of how to use Circuitikz to create circuit diagrams.
\draw (0,0) to[R=$R$] (2,0);
This creates a resistor with a label “R” and connects it to two points at coordinates (0,0) and (2,0) using the “to” command.
\draw (0,0) to[R=$R$,label=above:$5\,\Omega$] (2,0);
This creates a resistor with a label “R” and another label “5 $\Omega$” above it.
\draw (0,0) node[npn](npn){};
This creates an NPN transistor at coordinates (0,0).
\draw (0,0) to[R=$R$,line width=2pt] (2,0);
This creates a resistor with a thicker line.
Overall, Circuitikz is a powerful and flexible tool for creating circuit diagrams in LaTeX. Its comprehensive set of tools and customization options make it an ideal choice for anyone looking to create high-quality circuit diagrams in their LaTeX documents.
\draw (0,2) to[V,l_=$4 \si{\volt}$] (0,0); %% Note _>= instead of >=
\draw (0,2)to [R,l^=$10 \si{\ohm}$] (2,2);
\draw (2,2)to [cV,l^=$3V_{ab}$] (4,2);
\draw (4,0) to [I,l^=$2\si{\ampere}$](4,2);
\draw (4,2) to [short,-*] (6,2)
node[label={[font=\footnotesize]right:$a$}] {};
\draw (0,0) to [short,-*] (6,0)
node[label={[font=\footnotesize]right:$b$}] {};
\draw (6,2) to [open,v_>=$V_{ab}$] (6,0);
\documentclass[tikz]{standalone} \usepackage{circuitikz} \usepackage{siunitx} \usepackage{amsmath,amssymb} \begin{document} \begin{circuitikz} \draw (0,2) to[V,l_=$4 \si{\volt}$] (0,0); %% Note >= instead of >= \draw (0,2)to [R,l^=$10 \si{\ohm}$] (2,2); \draw (2,2)to [cV,l^=$3V{ab}$] (4,2); \draw (4,0) to I,l^=$2\si{\ampere}$; \draw (4,2) to [short,-] (6,2) node[label={[font=\footnotesize]right:$a$}] {}; \draw (0,0) to [short,-] (6,0) node[label={[font=\footnotesize]right:$b$}] {}; \draw (6,2) to [open,v_>=$V_{ab}$] (6,0); \end{circuitikz} \end{document} This code defines a standalone LaTeX document with a TikZ environment for creating an electrical circuit diagram. It includes the necessary packages for creating circuit diagrams, using SI units, and typesetting mathematical symbols.
The circuit consists of a voltage source with a value of 4 volts connected in series to a resistor with a value of 10 ohms. The voltage at the top of the resistor is connected to a controlled voltage source with a voltage of 3 times the voltage between nodes a and b. The bottom of the controlled voltage source is connected to a current source with a value of 2 amperes. Nodes a and b are connected to the top and bottom of the circuit respectively. An open circuit element with a label of Vab is added to the right of the circuit to represent the voltage between nodes a and b.
\begin{circuitikz}[american voltages]
% Voltage source
\draw (0,0) to [V, v>=$20 \si{\volt}$](0, 6) to (6, 6)
% Left half bridge
to [R, l_=$2 \si{k\ohm}$, *-*] (3,3) % Top left resistor
to [R, l_=$5 \si{k\ohm}$, -*] (6,0); % Bottom left resistor
% Right half bridge
\draw (6,6)
to [R, l_=$1 \si{k\ohm}$, -*] (9, 3) % Top right resistor
to [R, l_=$30 \si{k\ohm}$, -*] (6,0) % Bottom left resistor
% Draw connection to (-) terminal of voltage source
to (6, 0) to (0,0);
% Draw voltmeter
\draw (3, 3) to [R, l_=$5 \si{k\ohm}$,i_=$i_o$, -*] (9, 3);
\documentclass[tikz]{standalone} \usepackage{circuitikz} \usepackage{siunitx} \usepackage{amsmath,amssymb} \begin{document} \begin{circuitikz}[american voltages] % Voltage source \draw (0,0) to [V, v>=$20 \si{\volt}$](0, 6) to (6, 6) % Left half bridge to [R, l_=$2 \si{k\ohm}$, -] (3,3) % Top left resistor to [R, l_=$5 \si{k\ohm}$, -] (6,0); % Bottom left resistor % Right half bridge \draw (6,6) to [R, l_=$1 \si{k\ohm}$, -] (9, 3) % Top right resistor to [R, l_=$30 \si{k\ohm}$, -*] (6,0) % Bottom left resistor % Draw connection to (-) terminal of voltage source to (6, 0) to (0,0);
% Draw voltmeter
\draw (3, 3) to [R, l_=$5 \si{k\ohm}$,i_=$i_o$, -*] (9, 3);
This is a LaTeX code that generates a circuit diagram using the circuitikz
package. The circuit diagram depicts a voltage source connected to two half bridges, with a voltmeter connected across one of the resistors in the right half bridge. The siunitx
and amsmath
packages are also included.
The circuit diagram consists of several components and parameters specified using various circuitikz
commands. The voltage source is created using the V
command, with a voltage of 20 volts and labeled with the v
parameter. The resistors are created using the R
command, with their values specified using the l
parameter, and their orientation specified using the -
and *
parameters. The voltmeter is created using another R
command, and is labeled with the i
parameter. The american voltages
option is used to display voltages in the diagram in the American style.
\draw (0,2) to[V,v>=$100\si{\ampere}$] (0,0); %% Note _>= instead of >=
\draw (0,2) to [R,l^=$2.5 \si{k\ohm}$,i_>=$i_1$,-*] (2,2)
to [R=$625\si{\ohm}$,-*](2,0);
\draw (2,2) to [short] (4,2);
\draw (4,0)to [cI,l_=$10^{-3}v_2$] (4,2);
\draw (4,0)
to [R,l^=$4\si{\ohm}$] (2,0);
\draw (0,0) to [short,-*] (2,0);
\draw (4,0) to [short,-*] (8,0);
\draw (8,2)to [cV,l_=$5000i_1$](8,0)
to [short] (10,0);
\draw (8,2)
to [R,l^=$4\si{k \ohm}$] (10,2)
to [R,l^=$6\si{k \ohm}$,v_>=$v_2$] (10,0)
to [short, -*] (12,0)
node[label={[font=\footnotesize]above:$b$}] {}
\draw (10,2) to [short, -*] (12,2)
node[label={[font=\footnotesize]above:$a$}] {}
\documentclass[tikz]{standalone} \usepackage{circuitikz} \usepackage{siunitx} \usepackage{amsmath,amssymb} \begin{document} \begin{circuitikz} \draw (0,2) to[V,v>=$100\si{\ampere}$] (0,0); %% Note >= instead of >= \draw (0,2) to [R,l^=$2.5 \si{k\ohm}$,i>=$i_1$,-] (2,2) to R=$625\si{\ohm}$,-*; \draw (2,2) to [short] (4,2); \draw (4,0)to [cI,l_=$10^{-3}v_2$] (4,2); \draw (4,0) to [R,l^=$4\si{\ohm}$] (2,0); \draw (0,0) to [short,-] (2,0);
\draw (4,0) to [short,-*] (8,0);
\draw (8,2)to [cV,l_=$5000i_1$](8,0)
to [short] (10,0);
\draw (8,2)
to [R,l^=$4\si{k \ohm}$] (10,2)
to [R,l^=$6\si{k \ohm}$,v_>=$v_2$] (10,0)
to [short, -*] (12,0)
node[label={[font=\footnotesize]above:$b$}] {}
\draw (10,2) to [short, -*] (12,2)
node[label={[font=\footnotesize]above:$a$}] {}
This is a LaTeX document that uses the standalone
document class and several packages including circuitikz
, siunitx
, and amsmath
. The circuitikz
package provides the tools to draw electronic circuits, while siunitx
provides support for typesetting units and amsmath
provides additional math symbols.
The code uses the circuitikz
environment to draw a circuit diagram with several components. The circuit consists of a voltage source (V), resistors (R), a current-controlled current source (cI), and a current-controlled voltage source (cV). The components are connected using to
commands, and labels are added to indicate the values of resistors and sources, as well as the direction and name of currents and voltages. Labels are also added to nodes in the circuit for later reference.
TikZ is a powerful package that can be used to create various types of diagrams in LaTeX, including block diagrams. Block diagrams are a type of diagram that show the flow of a system or process through a series of interconnected blocks or nodes.
To create a block diagram in TikZ, you can follow these steps:
% TikZ code goes here
s\node [rectangle, draw] (block1) {Block 1};
This creates a rectangular block with the label “Block 1” and assigns it the name “block1”.
s\draw [->] (block1) -- (block2);
This creates an arrow that connects the block named “block1” to the block named “block2”.
Here is an example of a simple block diagram created using TikZ:
\node [rectangle, draw] (block1) {Block 1};
\node [rectangle, draw, right of=block1, node distance=3cm] (block2) {Block 2};
\draw [->] (block1) -- (block2);
This creates a block diagram with two rectangular blocks labeled “Block 1” and “Block 2”, respectively, and an arrow that connects them.
Overall, TikZ provides a flexible and powerful toolset for creating block diagrams in LaTeX. By using the “node” and “draw” commands, you can easily create and connect blocks to represent the flow of a system or process. With a little practice, you can create complex block diagrams with ease using TikZ.
%\bXLineStyle{red, dotted}
\bXLineStyle{very thick}
\draw[-,very thick] (F) -- (FX1.center);
\draw[-,very thick] (FX1.center) -- (FDown1.center);
\draw[->,very thick] (FDown1.center) -- (FRight1.center);
\draw[->,very thick] (DDown1.center) -- (D);
\draw[-,very thick] (H1) -- (DDown1.center);
%\draw[-,very thick] (F) -- (FX1);
\draw[->,very thick] (F) -- (G);
\draw[-,very thick] (G) -- (GX2);
%\draw[-,very thick] (G) -- (GX1.center);
%\draw[-,very thick] (G) -- (GX1.center);
%\draw[-,very thick] (GX1.center) -- (GUp1.center);
\draw[-,very thick] (GX1.center) -- (GX2.center);
\draw[-,very thick] (GX2.center) -- (GUp1.center);
\draw[->,very thick] (GX2.center) -- (GX3.center);
\node[right = 0.05cm of GX3] (end) {$C$};
\draw[-,very thick] (GX4.center) -- (GDown1.center);
\draw[-,very thick] (GDown1.center) -- (BDown1.center);
%% Top Part
\draw[->,very thick] (GUp1.center) -- (BlockHG);
\usepackage{blox} \usepackage{tikz} \usetikzlibrary{positioning}
\begin{document} \begin{tikzpicture} %\bXLineStyle{red, dotted} \bXLineStyle{very thick} \bXInput{A} \bXComp{B}{A} \bXLink[R]{A}{B} \bXCompa{C}{B} \bXLink{B}{C} \bXSumb{D}{C} \bXLink{C}{D} \bXBloc[2]{E}{$G_1$}{D} \bXLink{D}{E} \bXBloc[2]{F}{$G_2$}{E} \bXLink{E}{F}
\bXBranchy[5]{FX1}{FDown1} \draw[-,very thick] (F) — (FX1.center); \draw[-,very thick] (FX1.center) — (FDown1.center); \bXBranchx[-5.5]{FDown1}{FRight1} \draw[->,very thick] (FDown1.center) — (FRight1.center); \bXBloc[-3.5]{H1}{$H_1$}{FRight1} \bXBranchy[5]{D}{DDown1} \draw[->,very thick] (DDown1.center) — (D); \draw[-,very thick] (H1) — (DDown1.center);
\bXBloc[2]{G}{$G_3$}{FX1} %\draw[-,very thick] (F) — (FX1); \draw[->,very thick] (F) — (G);
\bXBranchx[3]{G}{GX1} \bXBranchx[3]{GX1}{GX2} \draw[-,very thick] (G) — (GX2); \bXBranchx[3]{GX2}{GX3} \bXBranchy[-5]{GX2}{GUp1}
\bXBranchx[1.5]{GX2}{GX4} \bXBranchy[7.5]{GX4}{GDown1} %\draw[-,very thick] (G) — (GX1.center); %\draw[-,very thick] (G) — (GX1.center); %\draw[-,very thick] (GX1.center) — (GUp1.center); %\bXLinkxy{GX1}{GUp1} \draw[-,very thick] (GX1.center) — (GX2.center); \draw[-,very thick] (GX2.center) — (GUp1.center); \draw[->,very thick] (GX2.center) — (GX3.center); \node[right = 0.05cm of GX3] (end) {$C$};
\draw[-,very thick] (GX4.center) — (GDown1.center);
\bXBranchy[7.5]{B}{BDown1} \bXLink{BDown1.center}{B} \draw[-,very thick] (GDown1.center) — (BDown1.center);
%% Top Part
\draw[->,very thick] (GUp1.center) — (BlockHG);
The code above is a LaTeX document that creates a block diagram using the blox
and tikz
packages. The block diagram consists of several blocks and arrows that represent a system of interconnected components. The code defines the layout and styling of the blocks and arrows using various blox
commands and tikz
drawing commands. The document begins with the \documentclass
command, which specifies the document class as standalone
. The necessary packages are then loaded using the \usepackage
command. Finally, the tikzpicture
environment is used to create the block diagram using the defined blox
and tikz
\usepackage{amsmath} % For math
\usepackage{amssymb} % For more math
\documentclass{standalone} \usepackage{amsmath} % For math \usepackage{amssymb} % For more math
\usepackage{blox} \usepackage{tikz} \begin{document} \begin{tikzpicture} \bXInput{A} \bXComp{B}{A} \bXLink[$R(s)$]{A}{B} \bXBloc[2]{C}{$\cfrac{K}{s(s^2+4s+5)}$}{B} %\bXLink[$V_1$]{B}{C} \bXLink{B}{C} \bXOutput{E}{C} \bXLink[$C(s)$]{C}{E} \bXReturn{C-E}{B}{} \end{tikzpicture}
\end{document} The code above is a LaTeX document that defines a TikZ picture environment to create a block diagram. It uses the “blox” package and “tikz” package to draw the blocks and arrows in the diagram. The block diagram represents a feedback control system with an input signal $R(s)$, a controller block with transfer function $\frac{K}{s(s^2+4s+5)}$, and an output signal $C(s)$. The blocks are labeled with letters A, B, C, and E, and arrows are labeled with text to indicate the input and output signals. The “amsmath” and “amssymb” packages are also loaded to allow for mathematical notation in the diagram.
TikZ is a great tool for creating control systems diagrams in LaTeX for a variety of reasons:
Overall, TikZ is a powerful and flexible tool for creating control systems diagrams in LaTeX. Its integration with LaTeX, high-quality output, and scalability make it an ideal choice for technical documents that require precise and professional-looking diagrams.
PGFPlots is a powerful package for creating advanced diagrams such as graphs and plots in LaTeX. It is built on top of TikZ and provides a comprehensive set of tools for visualizing data in a variety of formats. Here is an overview of some of the key features of PGFPlots:
Overall, PGFPlots is a powerful and flexible package for creating advanced diagrams such as graphs and plots in LaTeX. Its wide range of features and customization options make it an ideal choice for visualizing data in a variety of formats, from simple scatter plots to complex 3D visualizations.
PGFPlots is built on top of TikZ, so it uses a similar syntax for creating graphs and plots. Here is an overview of some of the key commands and syntax for creating various types of graphs and plots in PGFPlots:
environment is the main environment for creating plots in PGFPlots. It defines the plot area and provides options for configuring the axis labels, legends, and styles.\addplot
command with the scatter
option. To create a line plot, you can use the \addplot
command with the smooth
and ylabel
options, respectively. You can also use the title
option to add a title to the plot.legend
option. You can specify the legend entries using the \addlegendentry
option to change the color of the plot, the mark
option to change the shape of the plot markers, and the line width
option to change the thickness of the plot lines.\addplot
command with different data sets or functions. You can use the legend
option to specify the legend entries for each plot.surf
option with the \addplot3
command. You can also add contour lines using the contour
option.Overall, PGFPlots provides a comprehensive set of tools for creating a wide range of graphs and plots in LaTeX. Its syntax is similar to TikZ, so it should be familiar to users who are already familiar with TikZ. With its customization options and flexibility, PGFPlots is an ideal choice for visualizing data in a variety of formats.
PGFPlots is a powerful tool for creating a wide range of advanced diagrams, including bar graphs, line graphs, scatter plots, and more. Here’s a brief overview of how to create some of these types of plots using PGFPlots:
option with the \addplot
command. You can also use the bar width
option to adjust the width of the bars. You can add multiple bar plots to the same axis using the \addplot
command with different data sets.smooth
option with the \addplot
command. You can also customize the appearance of the lines using options such as color
, line width
, and mark
option with the \addplot
command. You can customize the appearance of the markers using options such as mark
, mark size
, and color
. You can also add a trend line to the scatter plot using the smooth
option.matrix plot
option with the \addplot
command. You can specify the data using a matrix, and you can customize the appearance of the heatmap using options such as colormap
, point meta min
, and point meta max
option with the \addplot3
command. You can also add contour lines using the contour
option. You can customize the appearance of the plot using options such as view
, zmin
, and zmax
environment. You can add multiple plots to the same polar axis using the \addplot
command with different data sets. You can customize the appearance of the plot using options such as domain
, color
, and line width
.These are just a few examples of the types of advanced diagrams that can be created using PGFPlots. With its comprehensive set of tools for customization and its flexible syntax, PGFPlots is a versatile tool for visualizing data in LaTeX.
Git is a powerful version control system that can be used to track changes to files, including LaTeX documents, and collaborate with other authors. Here’s an overview of how to use Git for tracking changes and collaborating on LaTeX documents:
git init
to create a new repository. This will create a hidden .git
directory in your project directory that Git will use to track changes.git add
command. For example, to add all the files in your project directory, run git add .
.git commit -m "commit message"
. The commit message should briefly describe the changes you’ve made.git push
. Your collaborators can pull your changes using the command git pull
.git branch branch-name
and switch to it using git checkout branch-name
.These are just a few examples of how to use Git for tracking changes and collaborating on LaTeX documents. Git can take some time to learn, but once you’re comfortable with it, it can be a powerful tool for managing complex projects and working with other authors.
Here are some tips for efficient diagram creation with TikZ and PGFPlots:
in LaTeX, and can save you time and reduce errors.By following these tips, you can create efficient and effective diagrams with TikZ and PGFPlots.
Here are some common errors that you may encounter when using TikZ and PGFPlots, and some tips for troubleshooting them:
library in TikZ, which provides floating-point arithmetic and can handle larger values.&
character in the wrong context (usually in a table or matrix). Make sure you are using the &
character within the correct environment.xcolor
package. Check the spelling of the color and make sure it is spelled correctly.To troubleshoot these errors, try the following steps:
By following these troubleshooting steps and staying familiar with the common errors that can occur, you can save time and frustration when creating diagrams with TikZ and PGFPlots.
Here are some tips for maintaining consistency in diagram formatting and layout:
By following these tips, you can maintain consistency in your diagram formatting and layout, making your diagrams easier to read and giving them a professional look.
% Dupplicated from https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/remote/containers
node distance=1cm,
minimum width = 11em,
text width = 0.35\textwidth,
text centered,
cylinder uses custom fill,
cylinder body fill=green!60!black!50,
cylinder end fill=green!10,
shape border rotate=90,
\node[rounded corners, %fill=black,
text depth = 5em,
% double distance =1pt, %% here
minimum height= 20em,
minimum width= 20em,
label={[anchor=north, color=blue!90, inner sep=0pt, xshift=3em, yshift=-1em] north west:{Local OS}}] (dw){};
\node[rounded corners, %fill=black,
text depth = 5em,
% double distance =1pt, %% here
minimum height= 20em,
minimum width= 30em,
label={[anchor=north, color=blue!90, inner sep=0pt, xshift=3em, yshift=-1em] north west:{Container}},
right = of dw] (container){};
\node[ %fill=black,
text centered,
text width = 0.20\textwidth,
minimum height= 7em,
minimum width= 15em,
label={[anchor=north, inner sep=0pt, yshift=-0.2em] north:{\Large \textcolor{white}{VS Code}}}] at ([yshift=2em] dw.center) (code){};
\node[orange] at ([yshift=-1.25em] code.center) (t1) {Theme/UI Extension} ;
\node[orange] at ([yshift= 0.75em] code.center) (t2) {Theme/UI Extension};
\node[ %fill=black,
text centered,
text width = 0.20\textwidth,
minimum height= 7em,
minimum width= 15em,
label={[anchor=north, inner sep=0pt, yshift=-0.2em] north:{\Large \textcolor{white}{VS Code Server}}}] at ([xshift=10em, yshift=2em] container.west) (codeserver){};
\node[orange] at ([yshift=-1.25em] codeserver.center) (we1) {WorkSpace Extension} ;
\node[orange] at ([yshift= 0.75em] codeserver.center) (we2) {WorkSpace Extension};
% Data Sources
% Source Code
\node[database] (db1) at ([yshift=-5em] code.south) (scOS) {Source Code};
\node[database, opacity=0.6] (db1) at ([yshift=-5em] codeserver.south) (scContainer) {Source Code};
% Container Stuff
% Container widgets
% Configuration Files and Plugin box
text centered,
minimum width= 10em] at ([xshift=7em, yshift=-3em] codeserver.north east) (tp){Terminal Processes};
text centered,
minimum width= 10em] at ([xshift=7em, yshift=-5em] codeserver.north east) (ra){Running Application};
text centered,
minimum width= 10em] at ([xshift=7em, yshift=-7em] codeserver.north east) (debug){Debugger};
\node[database] (db1) at ([yshift=2em, xshift=7em] codeserver.north east) (fs) {File System};
% Connect and labels
% Arrows
\draw[->, very thick, draw=blue!40] (code.east) -> (codeserver.west);
% Labels
\node[rounded corners, %fill=black,
minimum height= 2em,
fill = white,
% double distance =1pt, %% here
text width = 0.11\textwidth,
text centered,
minimum width=1.5em,
xshift=3.75em] at (code.east) (dw1){Exposed port};
\draw[->, very thick, draw=blue!40] (scOS.east) -> (scContainer.west);
\node[rounded corners, %fill=black,
minimum height= 2em,
fill = white,
% double distance =1pt, %% here
text width = 0.11\textwidth,
text centered,
minimum width=1.5em,
xshift=8.25em] at (scOS.east) (dw1){Volume Mount};
\draw[->, very thick, draw=blue!40] (codeserver) -> (fs.west);
\draw[->, very thick, draw=blue!40] (codeserver) -> (tp);
\draw[->, very thick, draw=blue!40] (codeserver) -> (ra.west);
\draw[->, very thick, draw=blue!40] (codeserver) -> (debug.west);
% Dupplicated from https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/remote/containers \documentclass[11pt]{standalone} \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \usepackage{tikz} \usetikzlibrary{calc,positioning,shapes.geometric} \begin{document} \begin{tikzpicture}[ >=stealth, node distance=1cm, orange/.style={ minimum width = 11em, fill=orange!50, draw=red!40, text width = 0.35\textwidth, text centered, }, database/.style={ cylinder, cylinder uses custom fill, cylinder body fill=green!60!black!50, cylinder end fill=green!10, shape border rotate=90, aspect=0.25, draw } ]
\node[rounded corners, %fill=black,
text depth = 5em,
% double distance =1pt, %% here
minimum height= 20em,
minimum width= 20em,
label={[anchor=north, color=blue!90, inner sep=0pt, xshift=3em, yshift=-1em] north west:{Local OS}}] (dw){};
\node[rounded corners, %fill=black,
text depth = 5em,
% double distance =1pt, %% here
minimum height= 20em,
minimum width= 30em,
label={[anchor=north, color=blue!90, inner sep=0pt, xshift=3em, yshift=-1em] north west:{Container}},
right = of dw] (container){};
\node[ %fill=black,
text centered,
text width = 0.20\textwidth,
minimum height= 7em,
minimum width= 15em,
label={[anchor=north, inner sep=0pt, yshift=-0.2em] north:{\Large \textcolor{white}{VS Code}}}] at ([yshift=2em] dw.center) (code){};
\node[orange] at ([yshift=-1.25em] code.center) (t1) {Theme/UI Extension} ;
\node[orange] at ([yshift= 0.75em] code.center) (t2) {Theme/UI Extension};
\node[ %fill=black,
text centered,
text width = 0.20\textwidth,
minimum height= 7em,
minimum width= 15em,
label={[anchor=north, inner sep=0pt, yshift=-0.2em] north:{\Large \textcolor{white}{VS Code Server}}}] at ([xshift=10em, yshift=2em] container.west) (codeserver){};
\node[orange] at ([yshift=-1.25em] codeserver.center) (we1) {WorkSpace Extension} ;
\node[orange] at ([yshift= 0.75em] codeserver.center) (we2) {WorkSpace Extension};
% Data Sources
% Source Code
\node[database] (db1) at ([yshift=-5em] code.south) (scOS) {Source Code};
\node[database, opacity=0.6] (db1) at ([yshift=-5em] codeserver.south) (scContainer) {Source Code};
% Container Stuff
% Container widgets
% Configuration Files and Plugin box
text centered,
minimum width= 10em] at ([xshift=7em, yshift=-3em] codeserver.north east) (tp){Terminal Processes};
text centered,
minimum width= 10em] at ([xshift=7em, yshift=-5em] codeserver.north east) (ra){Running Application};
text centered,
minimum width= 10em] at ([xshift=7em, yshift=-7em] codeserver.north east) (debug){Debugger};
\node[database] (db1) at ([yshift=2em, xshift=7em] codeserver.north east) (fs) {File System};
% Connect and labels
% Arrows
\draw[->, very thick, draw=blue!40] (code.east) -> (codeserver.west);
% Labels
\node[rounded corners, %fill=black,
minimum height= 2em,
fill = white,
% double distance =1pt, %% here
text width = 0.11\textwidth,
text centered,
minimum width=1.5em,
xshift=3.75em] at (code.east) (dw1){Exposed port};
\draw[->, very thick, draw=blue!40] (scOS.east) -> (scContainer.west);
\node[rounded corners, %fill=black,
minimum height= 2em,
fill = white,
% double distance =1pt, %% here
text width = 0.11\textwidth,
text centered,
minimum width=1.5em,
xshift=8.25em] at (scOS.east) (dw1){Volume Mount};
\draw[->, very thick, draw=blue!40] (codeserver) -> (fs.west);
\draw[->, very thick, draw=blue!40] (codeserver) -> (tp);
\draw[->, very thick, draw=blue!40] (codeserver) -> (ra.west);
\draw[->, very thick, draw=blue!40] (codeserver) -> (debug.west);
\end{document} The code is a LaTeX document that generates a visualization of a development environment in the context of Visual Studio Code’s Remote Development feature. The visualization is a diagram created using the TikZ package, which shows the different components and their relationships within the development environment.
The diagram consists of two main elements: a “Local OS” box on the left-hand side, and a “Container” box on the right-hand side. The “Local OS” box represents the user’s computer, and the “Container” box represents a remote container that the user can connect to via Visual Studio Code’s Remote Development feature.
The diagram shows that Visual Studio Code is running on the user’s computer (“Local OS”), and that it is connected to a “VS Code Server” running in the remote container. The “VS Code Server” provides access to the user’s code and to the extensions and plugins that the user has installed.
The diagram also shows that the user’s code is stored in two “Source Code” databases: one on the user’s computer and one in the remote container. Other components in the diagram include “Theme/UI Extensions” and “Workspace Extensions” that are installed in Visual Studio Code, as well as “Terminal Processes,” “Running Application,” “Debugger,” and “File System” components that are part of the remote container. Arrows and labels are used to show the connections and relationships between the different components.
TikZ is a powerful and flexible tool for creating control systems diagrams, offering several benefits:
Overall, TikZ is an excellent tool for creating control systems diagrams, offering customization, integration, consistency, flexibility, and collaboration benefits.
There are several ways to incorporate diagrams into LaTeX documents. Here are some of the most common methods:
command to include the PDF files in your LaTeX document.Regardless of the method you choose, it is important to ensure that your diagrams are properly sized and aligned with the rest of your text. You may need to adjust the size of your diagrams or use LaTeX commands to properly align them with your text.
In summary, there are several methods for incorporating diagrams into LaTeX documents, including TikZ, external files, PGFPlots, and Circuitikz. Choose the method that best fits your needs and ensure that your diagrams are properly sized and aligned with the rest of your text.
When presenting diagrams in a professional manner, it is important to use figures and captions to help the reader understand the context and purpose of the diagram. Here is an overview of how to use figures and captions in LaTeX:
and \end{figure}
commands to create a floating figure environment. This will allow LaTeX to place the diagram in the most suitable location, such as at the top or bottom of a page.\includegraphics
command to insert the diagram into the figure environment. Be sure to specify the correct file path and size for the diagram.\caption
command to provide a descriptive caption for the diagram. The caption should be brief, yet informative, and should explain the purpose of the diagram and any important features or results.\label
command to label the figure with a unique identifier. This label can be used to refer to the figure in the text using the \ref
command, which will automatically generate the correct figure number.In summary, using figures and captions can help to present diagrams in a professional manner by providing context and explanation for the reader. To use figures and captions in LaTeX, use the figure environment, insert the diagram with \includegraphics
, provide a descriptive caption with \caption
, label the figure with \label
, and place the figure and caption close to where it is first mentioned in the text.
In LaTeX, it is common to refer to diagrams, figures, and other elements within the text of a document. Cross-referencing commands allow you to do this in a way that is consistent and efficient.
Here is an introduction to using cross-referencing commands to refer to diagrams in text:
command. For example, you might label a diagram of a control system as \label{fig:controlsystem}
command. For example, you might say “As shown in Figure \ref{fig:controlsystem}, the control system is composed of several feedback loops.”\autoref
command to automatically generate a reference to the diagram with the appropriate label. For example, you might say “The control system is composed of several feedback loops (\autoref{fig:controlsystem}).”\nameref
command to reference the name of the diagram. For example, you might say “For a detailed explanation of the control system, see \nameref{fig:controlsystem}.”By using these cross-referencing commands, you can refer to diagrams in a way that is consistent and efficient, without having to manually update figure numbers or references if the position of the diagram changes within the document.
When working on technical documents, it is often necessary to include multiple diagrams or figures in a single section or chapter. LaTeX provides several packages that make it easy to place multiple diagrams in a single figure. Two such packages are subfig and wrapfig.
The subfig package allows you to create subfigures within a larger figure. Here is a brief overview of how to use subfig:
command. Here is an example:\begin{figure}
\subfloat[Diagram A]{\includegraphics[width=0.4\textwidth]{diagramA}}
\subfloat[Diagram B]{\includegraphics[width=0.4\textwidth]{diagramB}}
\caption{Two diagrams.}
In this example, two subfigures are created using the \subfloat
command. The optional argument to \subfloat
is a caption for each subfigure, and the mandatory argument is the image to be included.
command to provide a caption for the entire figure.The wrapfig package allows you to place figures within the text flow, rather than in separate floating environments. Here is a brief overview of how to use wrapfig:
command to create a figure that is wrapped by text. Here is an example:\begin{wrapfigure}{r}{0.5\textwidth}
\caption{Diagram C.}
In this example, the optional argument to \begin{wrapfigure}
specifies the placement of the figure (in this case, r
for right). The mandatory argument is the width of the figure. The \includegraphics
command is used to include the image, and the \caption
command provides a caption for the figure.
By using packages such as subfig and wrapfig, you can create professional-looking documents with multiple diagrams in a single figure.