David's Blog

javascript posts

All posts with the tag javascript.
Corgi Apartment Collapsing

Heroku shutdown how to migrate to koyeb

Sep 2, 2022
Basic explaination of how I migrating my discord rss bot to koyeb

Basic React Native Template

Nov 14, 2022
react native template for a basic app

Getting started with strapi

Dec 3, 2022
introduction to strapi cms platform

How to create an infinite animation for a car.

Sep 30, 2024
Using basic css and html to animate a car in react.

What is a package.json file in javascript

Aug 6, 2023
package.json file explained
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Overview of corporate landing page done in react with microsoft fabric ui

Nov 30, 2022
making a corporate landing page in react

Dynamic Linking in Rust's FFI: Understanding the Essentials

Nov 24, 2023
Rust's Foreign Function Interface (FFI) allows Rust code to call functions defined in other programming languages, such as C or C++. One of the key features of Rust's FFI is dynamic linking, which enables Rust to call functions from shared libraries at runtime.

Email Slicer in Rust: A Tool for Efficient Email Parsing

Nov 24, 2023
Email slicer is a tool that helps parse emails and extract important information such as the username and domain name. Rust is a popular systems programming language that is known for its performance, reliability, and safety. In this article, we will explore how to implement an email slicer tool in Rust.

Image manipulation in Rust

Nov 24, 2023
In this article, we will explore how to create a basic image manipulation library in Rust. We will use the image crate for handling different image formats and implement basic image operations like resizing, rotating, and adjusting brightness/contrast..

Building an API Server in Rust

Nov 24, 2023
Rust is a systems programming language that is known for its performance, safety, and concurrency. It's a great choice for building an API server, as it can handle a large number of requests efficiently and securely.

Image manipulation in Rust

Nov 24, 2023
In this article, we will explore how to create a command-line utility to batch rename files in a directory based on user-defined patterns or rules. We will use Rust's standard library and the regex crate to handle complex renaming patterns.
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Screenshot utility for mobile apps

Jan 6, 2022
This covers how to take screenshots of your mobile app using the ios simulator or android.
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Simple collapsible component

May 21, 2023
Describes a simple collapsible component for react

Upgrading from material v4 to mui v5

Sep 27, 2022
Updating material ui components to the latest version

Using remotion for game highlights

Nov 22, 2022
As I hit titan in erbs I wanted to make a video of the highlights
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