David's Blog

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Leveraging Pytest Fixtures and Markers to Exclude Specific Test Cases

Mar 30, 2024
This technical article explores how to use pytest fixtures and markers to effectively manage and exclude specific test cases, particularly those requiring live server interaction, ensuring efficient testing and system integrity.

Css in js vs plain css and styled components

Mar 28, 2024
Comparing css in js to plain css and styled components

Utilizing `tempfile` for File Storage in Read-Only Environments: A Case Study with Azure Function Apps

Mar 23, 2024
Explore how the Python `tempfile` module can be leveraged to work with file storage in read-only environments like Azure Function Apps. Learn to create and manage temporary files securely and efficiently, ensuring applications are scalable and compliant with serverless architecture constraints.

Automate Windows with auto hot key

Mar 21, 2024
AutoHotkey is a free, open-source scripting language for Windows that allows users to easily create small to complex scripts for all kinds of tasks such as

Implementation animations with css and react-intersection-observer

Mar 21, 2024
Using the react-intersection-observer library to implement animations with css

Css Animations in Vue

Mar 21, 2024
Vue is a popular JavaScript framework that allows developers to create dynamic, reactive user interfaces. One of the ways Vue makes this possible is by allowing developers to easily integrate CSS animations into their Vue components. In this article, we will explore how to use CSS animations in Vue.
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