David's Blog

dotnet posts

All posts with the tag dotnet.

Initial Thoughts after using dotnet interactive

Dec 11, 2021
My Thoughts on what todo with jcenter/bintray going down.

Conscrap 2.0.0 Release

Aug 25, 2023
Explaining how I fixed conscrap using the new shadow root api

Scrapping comments from Yahoo Finance using dotnet

Oct 25, 2022
Explaining how conscrap project grabs comments from yahoo finance using selenium.

Scrapping comments from Yahoo Finance using dotnet Part 2

Nov 11, 2022
Explaining how I updated my conscrap project to handle comment formats from yahoo finance

Introduction to golang

Jan 17, 2024
Explaining the history of golang and how it is used

Grabbing list of animes from my anime list using openapi and dotnet

Oct 21, 2022
Leveraging openapi and scrapping the openapi schema from redoc, I can generate a dotnet client to grab my anime list.

Introduction to csharp

Jul 25, 2024
Explaining the history of csharp and how it is used

How to use Navigation API in react native

Jun 14, 2023
The Navigation API is a powerful new tool for managing navigation in React Native apps.

How to use resolutions in package.json

Apr 30, 2022
Using resolutions in package.json

An Introduction to NLog in dottnet

May 3, 2023
In this article, we will explore the basics of NLog, how to set it up in a C# project, and how to configure and use it for various logging scenarios.

Introduction to csharp

Jan 24, 2024
Explaining the history of csharp and how it is used

Introduction to MudBlazor

Nov 21, 2023
MudBlazor is a Blazor component library based on Material Design principles.

Searching for news with google news rss feeds

Dec 7, 2023
Here we'll look at how to use google news rss feeds to create custom news rss feeds.

Scrapping in C#

Nov 21, 2023
Introduction to scrapping with dotnet.

How to parse git commits using dotnet

Sep 17, 2022
Parsing git commits with dotnet
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