David's Blog

react posts

All posts with the tag react.
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How to make a show more component in react

Apr 8, 2020
How I implemented tags for my blog

How I implemented a stock screener in python Part II

Apr 18, 2024
A stock screener is a tool that helps you find stocks that meet your criteria. In this post I will show you how I implemented a stock screener in python.

Implementation animations with css and react-intersection-observer

Mar 21, 2024
Using the react-intersection-observer library to implement animations with css

Css in js vs plain css and styled components

Mar 28, 2024
Comparing css in js to plain css and styled components

How I implemented a price card component in react

Apr 4, 2024
Building a price card component in react is a great way to learn how to use css

How to create an infinite animation for a car.

Sep 30, 2024
Using basic css and html to animate a car in react.

Getting started with react-spring

Nov 7, 2024
React-spring is a popular animation library for React applications.

Custom image component in react

Apr 17, 2024
Created a custom image component with a loading spinner and fallback image

How to create a todolist application using nextjs and neon serverless postgres

Mar 16, 2023
Describes a Next.js project that uses a PostgreSQL database to manage to-do items.

Changes in Node.js 18

Apr 17, 2024
Describing the cool new functions in node 18

React Class Components

Nov 29, 2023
How to make react class components

Next.js Basics

Nov 29, 2023
Introduction to next.js

Using react context to manage state

Nov 29, 2023
Explaining the use of react context to manage state

React Functional Components

Nov 29, 2023
How to make react class components

Options to implement search on your website

Dec 15, 2024
Options to implement search on your website

Using UI Frameworks with React

Nov 29, 2023
How to use UI frameworks with react
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Overview of corporate landing page done in react with microsoft fabric ui

Nov 30, 2022
making a corporate landing page in react
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Screenshot utility for mobile apps

Jan 6, 2022
This covers how to take screenshots of your mobile app using the ios simulator or android.

Seven Useful Chatgpt prompts for Software Developers.

Oct 7, 2024
As a software developer using chatgpt can save you lots of time..
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