David's Blog

go posts

All posts with the tag go.

Building Interactive Terminal Applications with Golang and Gocui

May 30, 2023
In this article, we will explore how to build an interactive terminal application using Gocui.

Lipgloss in Golang Beautifully Style Your Command-Line Applications

May 30, 2023
This is where Lipgloss, a Golang library created by Charm, comes in. Lipgloss lets you effortlessly style your command-line applications by providing a set of powerful utilities for styling text and constructing elegant, responsive layouts.

Simplify Your Golang Build Process with 1build

May 26, 2023
A technical article about Rust

Streamline Your Golang Builds with Mmake A Comprehensive Guide

May 26, 2023
In this article, we'll explore how to use `mmake` in Golang projects to streamline your build process.

Using Chalk for Colorful Terminal Output in Go (Golang)

May 26, 2023
A technical article about Rust

Using Cleanenv for Configuration Management in Golang

May 30, 2023
Cleanenv is a lightweight and easy-to-use configuration management library.

Using Dictionary in GoLang with Maps

May 30, 2023
In GoLang, dictionaries are implemented using the built-in data structure called `maps`. A map is a collection of key-value pairs, where each key is unique and maps to a single value.

Using GoCron in Golang A Practical Guide to Task Scheduling

May 30, 2023
In this article, we will explore how to use GoCron to schedule and manage tasks.

Using Message Passing Interface with Go A Guide to MPB

May 30, 2023
We will introduce MPB a library that enables the use of the Message Passing Interface.

Using SQLx in Golang A Comprehensive Guide

May 3, 2023
In this article, we will explore the various features of SQLx and demonstrate how it can be used to interact with SQL databases in a Golang application.

Using Subcmd in Golang Enhancing CLI Applications with Subcommands

May 30, 2023
In this article, we will explore how to use subcommands in Golang CLI applications using the `subcmd` package

Using Task in GoLang A Comprehensive Guide

May 26, 2023
In this article, we will explore the `Task` construct in Go, which is helpful for managing concurrent operations. We will learn about the basics of tasks, how to create and run tasks, and how to handle errors and cancellation.

Using UIProgress in GoLang A Step-by-Step Guide

May 26, 2023
In this article, we will walk you through the process of using UIProgress in your GoLang projects.

Using `uitable` in Go for Flexible and Beautiful Console Output

May 30, 2023
In this article, we will explore `uitable`, a powerful Go package that enables developers to produce beautiful, flexible, and customizable console output in the form of tables.

Utilizing GCSS A Golang CSS Preprocessor

May 30, 2023
In this article, we will explore how to use GCSS in a Golang project to improve the efficiency and maintainability of your CSS code.

Utilizing Micha in Golang An Efficient Web Socket Client

May 24, 2023
In this article, we will explore the steps to implement Micha in Golang, providing examples and best practices.

Utilizing `uilive` for Real-Time Terminal Updates in Golang

May 30, 2023
In this article, we will explore how to use the `uilive` package to provide real-time updates in terminal applications developed in Go.

Visualize Data with Asciigraph in Golang

Apr 26, 2023
In this article, we will explore how to create and customize line graphs using Asciigraph in Golang.

Basic wails app to call the donald trump api

Jan 10, 2024
Barebones wails app to call the donald trump api

Large Sets of Bits in Golang with BitSet

May 30, 2023
We'll explore how to use the bitset package.

How I made a book api in golang

Jan 10, 2024
Implementing a book api in golang using the google books api

File Handling and Error Handling in Go.

Oct 21, 2024
File Handling and Error Handling in Go.

History of golang.

Oct 14, 2024
Covering reasons to use golang and why it's a good choice for your next project.

History of golang.

Oct 21, 2024
Covering reasons to use golang and why it's a good choice for your next project.

History of golang.

Oct 21, 2024
Covering reasons to use golang and why it's a good choice for your next project.

History of golang.

Oct 21, 2024
Covering reasons to use golang and why it's a good choice for your next project.

History of golang.

Oct 21, 2024
Covering reasons to use golang and why it's a good choice for your next project.

Object-Oriented Programming in Go.

Oct 21, 2024
Object-Oriented Programming in Go.

Concurrency in Go .

Oct 21, 2024
Concurrency in Go.

File Handling and Error Handling in Go.

Oct 21, 2024
File Handling and Error Handling in Go.

File Handling and Error Handling in Go.

Oct 21, 2024
File Handling and Error Handling in Go.

Using Dnote in Golang A Lightweight Note-Taking Tool for Developers

May 30, 2023
Dnote is a lightweight note-taking tool designed specifically for developers

GoAudio: A Powerful Audio Processing Library for Golang

Oct 21, 2024
In this article, we will explore GoAudio, a powerful and versatile audio processing library for Golang.

Using Go-Flags in Golang A Comprehensive Guide

May 30, 2023
This versatile and powerful package is designed to parse command-line arguments in Go applications, making it easy to define and use flags.

How to Call C and C++ Code from Go (Golang)

Jan 17, 2024
Go, also known as Golang, is a powerful and efficient programming language designed for concurrent systems

Moving files with a script in go

Mar 7, 2024
Using script in go to move files to deploy to github pages

Building a text diffing tool in golang

Jan 17, 2024
In this article, we will explain how to build a text diff tool in Golang, a popular programming language for building efficient and high-performance applications.

Web Scraping in Golang

Jan 17, 2024
Web scraping is the process of extracting data from websites in an automated fashion. It is a very useful technique to gather large amounts of data from the web. Golang is a great language for web scraping due to its speed, concurrency, and simplicity.

How to parse git commits using golang

Mar 23, 2022
Parsing git commits with golang

How to upload apks to google drive in bitrise

Apr 7, 2023
Uploading apks to google drive in golang from bitrise
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